Firearms Training: Pistol • Rifle • Shotgun
CCW - Concealed Carry • Personal Protection • Campus Safety
Less-Lethal: OC / Pepper Gel • Situational Awareness and Avoidance
Crime Prevention Seminars • Intruder Response
Emergency Planning • Church/School Safety • Active Shooter
First Aid / CPR / AED
Law Enforcement Training & Qualification • LEOSA Qualification
Complete your training and qualification in ONE day!
The Advantage Concealed Carry Permit Qualification course exceeds the mandatory training requirement standards set forth by Missouri and Ililnois statutes. Special emphasis on firearm safety in and outside of the home, instruction and basic principles of marksmanship, care and cleaning, legal requirements of the state for certification, laws relating to concealed carry and justifiable use of force are included in this course, as well as concealed carry and the defensive mindset, carry modes and handgun concealment, presenting the handgun from concealment, mental awareness and situational avoidance and defensive pistol selection, shooting skills and practice.
The intense instruction in excess of eight hours is divided between an interactive lecture format and live fire range training. Upon successful completion of training, each individual will be issued a Concealed Carry Permit Qualification certificate, required by the State in the application for concealed carry permit.
Course participants provide their own firearm for the range portion of instruction. You will need to bring 50 rounds of ammunition. If you do not own a firearm, or wish to shoot ours, we can provide firearms and ammunition. All firearms must be carried in a closed case, unloaded, and readily available for inspection. All firearms will be inspected prior to admittance to the classroom. Ammunition must be carried in a separate container from the firearm and not brought into the classroom. Additionally, eye and ear protection are required range safety equipment, as well as range clothing suitable for current weather conditions and safety.
Course lecture will take place in the classroom. The trainers and course participants will then go to the range for live fire exercises. This course enables students to earn the certifications needed to complete the application process for various carry concealed firearms licenses and permits.
Missouri, Illinois and Florida Concealed Carry Permit Instruction
Public or Private Group Classes
Individual Consultation - Basic Skills
Key Benefits
All courses include proficiency training for the safe use of firearms, specifically related to defensive handgun use, but applicable to all lawful endeavors related to firearms.
All courses provided by Advantage Firearms Education & Training are sanctioned by specific states for which the certifications apply.
Certifications can be earned to complete CCW applications for specific U.S. states.
© 2024 Advantage Firearms Education & Training
Why take a Concealed Carry Class from
Advantage Firearms Education & Training?
That is a question often asked of our staff. It is a reasonable question as there are many people teaching CCW in our area.
Potential students who compare their options based on the course length say “I can go here or there and get the training in 3 hours, why should I spend 8 hours with you?”
One of the most obvious differences is that we require our CCW students to shoot a qualification course of fire. This may not sound like much but it would be a major benefit if we ever find ourselves in court. Yes, we say ourselves, as we would stand beside you throughout any (criminal or civil) court actions. I testify as an expert witness in shooting cases and charge a fee for this service to people who are NOT my students. This very issue alone could save you in excess of $10,000 if this service were ever needed.
Let’s not forget the curriculum content. Our CCW courses cover so much more information than what is required by the respective states. We want to provide you with the tools necessary to survive on the street as well as in the court room. Our programs cover much more than the minimum required discussion of the state’s CCW laws and firearm safety.
Our courses offer very detailed discussions on Firearm Safety and Selection, Ballistic Considerations, the Criminal Mind, Powers of Awareness and Avoidance, Criminal and Civil Liabilities, Shoot - Don’t Shoot Scenarios, Police and criminal interaction, and much more.
The presentation on ballistic consideration alone is a unique and major component of our training. This section clearly depicts the true effectiveness of the handgun for defense. Based on over thirty year education and experience on how bullets cause trauma in human tissue and backed by science and clinically proven facts, and without any folk lore or opinion, we explore the many limitations of the handgun for defense. Television and movies are not reality and your understanding of such potentially life altering situations must be grounded in reality.
There are many more factors that when considered, clearly indicate that the obvious choice for CCW training should be Advantage Firearms Education & Training. We feel so strongly about our training programs and the importance of you maintaining your understanding and performance that we allow FREE repeats. That’s right! Since we opened our doors over 25 years ago we have always had the following policy in place.
At Advantage Firearms Education & Training, you may repeat any class completed, forever for FREE. We can’t think of a better way to put our money where our mouth is, when it comes to making sure we do whatever it takes to keep you trained, safe and up-to-date.
Ask around you will find out why our training programs are regarded as the “Best in the Region”. Our testimonial page lists participant's comments.
Review the credentials of our instructors on the Staff page.
We specialize in concealed-carry firearm classes. Training is offered in the St. Louis metropolitan area and classes are taught for Missouri, Illinois and Florida certification. Our instructors provide firearm training to law enforcement as well as individuals.
Our instructors are certified by the National Rifle Association,
as well as other national and internationally accredited institutions.
If you have a group of 5 or more, classes can be arranged any day of the week.
Private classes of five or more are available upon request.
This course will help prepare you to legally, safely and ethically carry a concealed firearm in public.
This is a very enjoyable and informative class.
This class exceeds the Missouri, Illinois and Florida requirements for a concealed carry permit.
It is recommended training if you plan on carrying a handgun.
Other courses to take for inexperienced shooters are the NRA Basic Pistol and Home Firearm Safety, which are offered.